Modern Slavery Policy

Modern Slavery Statement and Policy


The Modern Slavery Act (MSA) 2015 seeks to address the role of businesses in preventing modern slavery occurring in organisations and their supply chains.

The Act is aimed at preventing all forms of labour exploitation and increasing the transparency of labour practices in the supply chain. The Act applies to organisations with a turnover of £36 million or more. Agrimetrics has chosen to disclose a Modern Slavery Statement and Policy as we recognise the importance in understanding all modern slavery risks related to our business, both in operations and our supply chain.

Our HR Policies underpin our commitment to upholding workplace rights for our employees and contractors and we promote our Values to ensure a respectful working environment which does not tolerate discrimination, bullying, bribery, fraud, harassment or any other form of unacceptable behaviour.

Agrimetrics’s supply chain includes sub-contractors and consultants, delivery partners, suppliers of data, suppliers of cloud services, suppliers of computer equipment, software, and office suppliers, and facilities management operatives.

Agrimetrics’s activities take place within the United Kingdom and our suppliers are predominantly, but not exclusively, based in the UK and EU. We have control processes in place to ensure that we comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, including supplier checks where appropriate.


1. What is slavery?

1. 1 The Modern Slavery Act (MSA) encompasses four forms of labour exploitation, all of which are covered by this Policy:

  • Slavery : Exercising powers of ownership over a person.
  • Servitude : The obligation to provide services is imposed by the use of coercion.
  • Forced or compulsory labour : Work or services are exacted from a person under the menace of any penalty and for which the person has not offered themselves voluntarily.
  • Human trafficking : Arranging or facilitating the travel of another person with a view to their exploitation.

2. How is modern slavery relevant to Agrimetrics?

2.1 Every company is at risk of being involved in this crime through its own operations and supply chain

2.2 Every company has a responsibility to take a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and should be fully committed to preventing modern slavery in its operation and supply chain

2.3 We should pay particularly close attention to:

  • Our supply chain;
  • Any outsourced activities, particularly in jurisdictions that may not have adequate safeguards; and,
  • Cleaning and catering suppliers that we use.

3. Directors’ responsibilities

3.1 The Directors of Agrimetrics take very seriously their responsibility to:

3.1.1 Maintain clear policies and procedures preventing exploitation and human trafficking and protecting our workforce and reputation, including open and transparent Polices on grievance and whistleblowing.
3.1.2 Be clear about our recruitment policy, and lead by example in terms of making appropriate checks on all employees, consultants, contractors, recruitment agencies, and suppliers to ensure we know who is working for us.
3.1.3 Make a clear statement, by means of our Modern Slavery Statement, that we take our responsibilities to our employees, supply chains, and clients seriously.

4. Managers’ responsibilities

4.1 Managers will:

4.1.1 Listen and be approachable to colleagues.

4.1.2 Respond appropriately if they are told something that might indicate that a colleague is in an exploitative situation.

4.1.3 Remain alert to indicators of slavery and use their experience and professional judgment to gauge situations.

5. Employees’ responsibilities

5.1 All employees will:

5.1.1 Remain alert to indicators of slavery.

5.1.2 Follow our reporting procedures if they become aware of indicators that a colleague or other party is being exploited or ill-treated.

5.1.3 Tell their manager if they think Agrimetrics can do more to prevent exploitation.

6. The Risks

6.1. Supply chains

6.1.1 Where appropriate, we check supply chains to ensure the potential for slavery and human trafficking is reduced.

6.1.2 We expect our suppliers to check their supply chains to ensure the potential for slavery and human trafficking is reduced.

6.2. Recruitment through agencies

6.2.1 We follow our Company Policy and only use specified reputable recruitment agencies.

6.2.2 We regularly review our recruitment agencies.

6.3. General recruitment

6.3.1 We ensure all employees have a written contract of employment, and all contractors have a consultancy agreement.

6.3.2 We always ensure staff are legally entitled to work in the UK.

6.3.3 We provide information to all new recruits on their statutory rights including sick pay, holiday pay and any other benefits to which they may be entitled.

6.3.4 If, through our recruitment process, we suspect someone is being exploited, the HR department will follow our reporting procedures.

7. Identifying slavery

7.1 There is no typical victim and some victims do not understand they have been exploited and are entitled to help and support.

7.2 However, the following are signs that could indicate that someone may be a slavery or trafficking victim:

  • They are not in possession of their own passport or other identification documents.
  • They appear to be acting as though they are being instructed or coached by someone else, and allow others to speak for them when being addressed directly.
  • They are dropped off and collected from their employment.
  • They appear withdrawn or frightened.
  • They appear unable to contact friends or family freely and have limited social interaction or contact with people outside their immediate environment.

8. Reporting slavery

8.1 If you think someone is in immediate danger dial 999.

8.2 Otherwise, discuss your concerns with Human Resources who will decide a course of action and provide any further advice. If you still have concerns escalate these to Agrimetrics’s Chief Executive Officer.

9. Training

9.1 We provide training to those staff members who are involved in managing recruitment and managing suppliers.

9.2 Other staff are provided with more general awareness by means of this Statement and Policy.

10. Monitoring our procedures

10.1 We will review our Modern Slavery Statement and Policy at least annually.

10.2 This document was last reviewed and updated on 28th May 2024.